There are many things that influence the direction and shape your life takes. Few are more important than your power of thought. Over it, you and only you have absolute control. As a result, you control your success. The sad thing is that this power lies often untapped, grossly under-utilized. This leaves you to live a life well below your full potential. You can change all this by becoming one of the few accurate thinkers.
You can learn how to harness this power and as a result benefit greatly from its endless blessings. To do so, you must first learn a simple yet powerful concept- the art of thinking accurately. Accurate thinkers do not allow anyone to do their thinking on their behalf. They make it their responsibility to sift through their own jumbled-up thoughts and then take full responsibility for their decisions.
Those who are successful in any area of life have learned one thing, consciously or unconsciously. They have a definite system through which they make their decisions accurately. In this system, they have developed a certain way of gathering information and getting other people’s opinions. However, what distinguishes them from the rest of the pack is that in their final analysis. They ensure they give themselves the exclusive privilege of making the final decision.
Accurate thinker’s process
Accurate thinkers always go through a 2 step process before their final decision. First, they separate facts from fiction or gossip that cannot be verified. Second, they separate the facts into 2 categories: important and unimportant. Important facts can be used to one’s advantage towards attaining their objective, whatever it may be. All other facts outside this are useless.
It is a heart-wrenching tragedy how often many people base their thinking and consequent decisions on unimportant facts and irrelevant gossip. An accurate thinker is keen to see that some ‘opinions’ expressed are worthless, sometimes even dangerous if they are accepted as fact because this is often the beginning of prejudice, intolerance and guesswork.
What accurate thinkers avoid
An accurate thinker will always ignore a person who starts a conversation with these simple words: ‘THEY SAY’ because she knows that whatever she is about to hear will be no more than worthless chatter. The accurate thinker knows that no person of high self-respect expresses his opinion on any subject unless they are certain it is based on dependable facts.
The accurate thinker is cautious of a simple but deadly trap. He acknowledges that ‘free advice’ offered by friends and others may not really be worth consideration. If he wants advice, he will search for a dependable source and pay for it in one way or another. This is because He knows, as true as day follows night, that nothing which is of value is achieved without any consideration.
Finally, accurate thinkers recognize that their emotions cannot always be relied upon in decision-making. Thus they endeavor to guard themselves against their varying emotions by carefully weighing and examining them through the power of reason and the rules of logic.
Obviously, accurate thinking requires the highest level of self-discipline. Prompt and accurate decisions are the most important building blocks of success in any area of life. Although they may seem simple concepts they are not attained without courageous and honest self-discipline.