How to Make Innovation a Priority in Your Organization
Innovation is about survival in a world that’s constantly evolving. As Charles Darwin said, “It’s not the strongest or the most intelligent that survive, but the ones most adaptable to change.”
Improve accountability through effective company meetings.
Whenever two or more people work together, there are bound to be a few challenges among them. Working with many executives and leaders, we have found that the number one problem experienced
Improve your prediction skills as a leader using data.
According to the late business consultant Edwards Deming, the most important job of a leader is prediction. At the heart of a leader’s ability to predict is data — and lots of it for that matter.
Improve Execution by Focusing on the main priority: Focus, Finish Lines and Fun
Over a century ago, Charles Schwab, the CEO of Bethlehem Steel, asked Ivy Lee, a management consultant, to help him get more done. As the now famous story goes, Lee told
The 7 levels of creating a winning business strategy
Without an effective, powerful, industry-dominating strategy, you might find yourself spending the next few years creating very little traction in the marketplace leading to a lot of wasted effort, time and
Building the core of your organisation
For anyone to be a successful athlete, one of the most important things you need is a strong core — or midsection — to provide overall stability, control and power. The same applies to growth firms. Without a strong core, the
How do you know if you have a winning business strategy?
As a leader, how do you know whether you’ve got a winning, competitor-crushing,industry-dominating strategy? We have found that it boils down to 3 indicators: 1. Sustainable top-line
The managers: Keeping and Growing The Dream Team
It’s often said that “People join companies but they leave managers.” If this holds true, and I believe that it does, then what does this mean for organizations and business leaders?
People: Building the A- Team
When the CEO of MOM’s Organic Market, Scott Nash, needed to hire a CFO, he knew that simply asking a recruiter to search for a financial expert who understood the grocery industry well wasn’t going to be good enough for them. Nash had
Samuel Njoroge is a Business Speaker who empowers his audience with research findings, models and tools that they can immediately apply in their business or careers.
Through Azelea Coaching Advisory, a boutique strategy and innovation consultancy firm, Samuel works with over 100 business leaders and entrepreneurs each year to help them design the necessary framework to achieve their biggest business targets.
Samuel lives and breathes Business. With a background in Architecture, he builds businesses and projects from a firm foundation while helping others systemize and scale their businesses.
Invite SAMUEL to speak at your IN-PERSON OR VIRTUAL event.

Samuel's specialty is designing and breaking down complex projects to really simple steps.
Samuel Njoroge Advisory
Luther Plaza, Nyerere Road
Nairobi, Kenya.
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